So I had been unable to post for about a month because, stupid me, didn't know how to turn the site back to English. Well, now I did and I forgot to put the bust part of this entire experience so far: BEIJING. During Korea's version of Thanksgiving, called Cheusok, I was able to spend 4 days in Beijing China. I went with 2 of my new and now very close friends Melissa and Shannon. At the same time we were there it was the countries 40th anniversary so they had shot something in the air to clear the polution. The weather was the most beautiful I have ever felt the entire weekend. Clear blue skies with cool winds. The first thing we were able to go to was the Summer Palace. During the Ming Dynasty the Emperor had a palace surrounding an amazingly beautiful lake and inbetween amazing green hills. I could have stayed there all day. There was a amazing temple on the top of a hill. We took a boat ride on the lake. We learned a lot of history. There is a corridor there that is in the guiness book of world records for being the longest. And it is all hand painted, every banester with a different scene on it. We also went to The Great Wall. AMAZING. So big and breathtaking. Again, I wanted to stay all day and just sit and take it all in. Down from the wall we ziplinned! So much fun. We also went to Tienniman Squar and the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is huge! One of my favorite parts was getting to go to the Olympic Park. I was able to go into the Birds Nest (where the oppening ceremonies were held) and the Water Cube (where Michael Phelps won all his gold medals). I even bought a fake gold medal. We also went to the Silk Market. That is pretty much huge 6 story swap meet where you bargin for fake designer shoes, purses, clothes, makeup...... everything. I spent more money than I am willing to admitt but I am glad I did it. They would give you a price about 10 more than you should pay and when you give them the price you want to pay, no matter how good of a deal or not, they all respond the same way: "you joking me, you funny lady, no seriously give me your final price...." We also had famouse duck for dinner. It was not bad but not something I would choose again. We went to the zoo to see Pandas. And we went to an acrobatic show. I got so much stuff! All in all, Beijing gave me more than I was expecting.