Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mud Festival

Every year a city in Koera, Boreyon, has a festival called The Mud Festival. Think the show "Wipe Out" but with all mud. We got painted with colored mud, and did a few blow up obstical courses. All good fun. But i need to remember sun screen next time!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Raining cats and dogs

So only in Asia would you find a cafe full of either cats or dogs. But, they are here in Korea! I have been told they have them in Japan also. Both cafes my friends and I stumbled upon, but we had a ton of fun in each. I think they can exist here because the cities are so crowded, and the apartments are so small that most people don't have room for a pet. So, there are cafe's where you can play with one instead.